If you are managing your diary in Hero, you can create and edit availability on the diary page. (If you are connected to an Electronic Health Record, please edit availability in EMIS or Systm1).
How do I create a new availability session?
To create an availability session, click on the arrow next to +Create booking in the diary view. A drop down will appear, click Create availability. The availability page will appear, here you can select a Location, Practitioner, Date and Start/End times.
Then click Set availability.
How do I create a recurring availability session?
To create an recurrence of availability, follow the steps outlined above. Before clicking Set availability use the toggle to change Would you like to create a recurrence? to Yes. You will then be able to pick how often you want to availability to reoccur for (week by week) and you can choose which days you would like the availability to occur. You can then choose how many occurrences you want.
How do I update or delete an availability session?
To update or delete an availability session, from the diary view, find the session you would like to make changes to, then click on the green or grey ribbon in the availability session you want to edit. This should open the 'Edit availability' page. You can then edit the Location, Practitioner, Date and Start/End time.
How do I set availability as visible or hidden online?
To set the availability as visible/hidden online, follow the steps outlined above. Then use the toggle to switch between Yes/No under Do you want to accept online bookings?
If toggled to yes you are able to choose the types of appointment you would like to make available, you can Select all or check the individual boxes.