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How does Hero save to record in EMIS and TPP?

Let's explore how information looks in EMIS or TPP once it has been reviewed and saved to record.

Updated over 4 months ago

How do patient's submit information?

Patients can be invited to submit information into a practice via a few routes:

  1. Being sent a one-time reply link, which gives patients the option to write back to the practice and upload documents or photos

  2. Being sent and completing a questionnaire link

  3. Submitting a care navigation request

  4. Completing an intake form as part of a booking

Here is an example of a patient completing a BMI questionnaire:

Once submitted, this information is reviewed within the Hero inbox, where there is an option to save to record:

What does this look like within EMIS?

EMIS mandates that any information saved back into the EMIS record is:

  1. Is reviewed by a clinician (or appropriately trained staff member) before being saved

  2. Is saved back into the EMIS 'Consultations' tab as a consultation

We save back detail regarding the submission, SNOMED codes as necessary and selected observations (Height, Weight, Blood Pressure).

Here's an example questionnaire:

What does this look like within TPP's Systm One?

We save back into SystmOne as a consultation. As with EMIS, the data saved includes a summary of the submission, an author and then SNOMED coded text. We don't currently save observations into TPP, although this is on our roadmap.

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