Setting up appointment attendance on appointment types ensures accurate tracking of attendees for your scheduled appointments as well as provides clear instructions for patients regarding whether they need to be at the practice or join via telephone or video. Follow the steps below to configure attendance settings correctly.
Steps to configure appointment attendance
Navigate to Appointment Types
Go to Settings in your dashboard using the cog icon at the top right of the Hero app.
Select Appointments and then Appointment Types from the menu.
Edit an Appointment Type
Locate the appointment type you wish to configure.
Click Edit from the 'Options' menu to access its configuration settings.
Set Up Attendance
In the appointment type details, look for the Attendance section.
Adjust the settings according to your needs:
Attendance Type β Choose from the available attendance options:
Face to face β The patient will attend the appointment in person.
Video β The appointment will be conducted through a video call.
Telephone β The appointment will be conducted over the phone.
Save Changes
After configuring the attendance settings, click Save to apply the changes.
Important information
Attendance settings change the information displayed to patients while booking online and for automated reminders.
Ensure that staff members responsible for managing appointments are aware of the attendance type and how it affects reminders sent to patients..