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Private GP: Procuring EMIS

Learn how to procure EMIS prior to buying Hero.

Updated over a month ago

If you're reading this article, you probably fall into one of these categories:

  1. You're launching a private GP service, and want to use EMIS and Hero for your clinical and billing systems

  2. You're already running a private GP service, and you want to migrate from your existing tech to use EMIS and Hero

EMIS and Hero is the setup of choice for nearly all large scale private GP services, who recognise that the clinical robustness of EMIS is a non-negotiable for a safe service, and who want to use Hero for its billing, messaging, private prescribing and booking.

How do I get setup with EMIS and Hero?

Before contracting with Hero, you need to buy and get setup on EMIS.

The process to procure and get setup with EMIS typically takes 4-12 weeks. If you are needing to migrate data from an existing system into EMIS, you should work on the basis of as 12 week setup process, where as if you're simply starting with a clean (empty) EMIS, it will be faster.

You can contact EMIS here to get a quote for the system and to start the contracting process. Your quote (excluding VAT) will cover:

  • EMIS Clinical Services user licenses - This is the main part of your annual fee, and starts at around £800 per license (minimum 3 licenses), decreasing for higher numbers of users

  • Additional modules - You will likely want to add additional EMIS modules such as the pathology links (for electronic pathology requests and results). Cumulatively these are in the region of £500-1,000 depending on your exact requirements.

  • [Optional] Training days - Setup & training days can be bought for ~£800 per day

  • [Optional] Migration fees - Typically ~5 days at £800 per day for a full migration

You can contact EMIS here to arrange a demo and obtain a quote:

What else will I need for EMIS?

As it currently stands (although this may change as EMIS migrates to being a web-based solution), you will need an HSCN connection. HSCN is the government's dedicated healthcare network, designed for safe data transfers of healthcare related information.

For this, we recommend Cloud Gateway, you can contact them below. Your HSCN connection will be ~£1,800 per annum.

I'm setup on EMIS, how do I start with Hero?

Once you've procured EMIS and are setup, you can start using Hero in under 24 hours. Contact the sales team via the button below and we'll arrange for a contract to be sent and an onboarding call. You can optionally add training days as part of your setup.

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